[:en]emergent berlin *24.9.[:de]undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedemergent berlin *24.9.[:]

bringing together people & projects

@ Gerichtstr. 23

what is each of us working on? how can we support each other? where can we collaborate? and what should happen in the emerging baumhaus project space?


11 walking meditation
11.30 arrival
12 start: introductions

14 lunch

15 theme cafes: conversations

18 round up

19 dinner


22:00 – we are throwing a party at panke e.v. to celebrate the opening of baumhaus / emergent berlin festival 2016… our headliner will be the legendary dr. alex paterson of the orb. alex has offered to conjure up a 3 hour journey through various genre held together by a thread of groove, driven home by poly dimensional electronic beats and reinforced by a mesh of swirling atmosphere and master mixology…

all night long you are welcome to join us, for an evening of great music and good vibes… support from genys, dj skizum, ole hagen + special live guests. 8€ at the door www.facebook.com/events/337093600014312/